Archive | December, 2012

Golden Globe Nominees Announced (Majority Have Played at The Grand!)

13 Dec

the golden globes

The hysteria that is Film Awards Season is nearly upon us and, as it is every mid-December, the proverbial engine was revved this morning by the announcement of the nominations for the 2013 Golden Globe Awards. This sort of announcement fires us up here at The Grand as the Globes are one of film’s most prestigious awards and their nominations continue to set the table for Oscar nominations (which are scheduled to be announced January 10th, three days prior to the Golden Globes).

These announcements always seem to reinforce our taste in film here at The Grand as we never fail to have shown the majority of the films nominated. This year is no exception. In total, 37 different films were nominated for awards and The Grand has shown (or will show) 21 of them. Continue reading

Hitchcock Starts Friday (12.14)!

13 Dec


HITCHCOCK is a love story about one of the most influential filmmakers of the last century, Alfred Hitchcock and his wife and partner Alma Reville. The film takes place during the making of Hitchcock’s seminal movie Psycho.

Hopkins catches the essence of Hitchcock as artist and con man. And Mirren is stellar as his wife and secret weapon. The pleasure of their company adds sparkle to this unexpectedly poignant look at a career and a marriage.  — Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

An entertaining, economical and thoroughly enjoyable glimpse into a familiar artist’s creative process. — Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

One of the best movies of 2012. — Rex Reed, New York Observer

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